Pxl Animations - Animator Bittu

Pxl Animations - Animator Bittu

Pxl Animations - Animator Bittu

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Be Proud, Not Blind - Today is India's 67'th Independence Day - Be Proud, Not Blind

Be Proud, Not Blind

Today is India's 67'th Independence Day and even though I am proud of being Indian, I can't find many reasons to be happy enough.

● I feel quite old when I say things that I am going to say now but truth is that ever since I opened my eyes and started seeing things unbiasedly, I have noticed that with every passing year conditions are just getting worst and worst.

● I am not unaware of things that have been right for us as a nation but I am definitely more bothered by what's been wrong and has always been.

● Obviously I am talking about our nation's government, bureaucrats and politics. And I am not just talking about corrupt leaders or govt officials but about those who lack the urge to do their job well. I do think it to be one kind of corruption and worst than the kind everyone seems to be focusing on.

● If I were to classify corruption then I would say that there are three types of corruptions that haunt our beloved nation.

● First one is obvious and the only one that everyone cares about. Sadly this is what everyone thinks corruption is but it's a mere part of the problems that haunt us. Govt official and leaders are often caught on tape getting bribes for doing the jobs that are actually paid to do. I am not saying that it's a right thing to do but it is not as bad as it sounds, in most cases. My point is that in order to get bribes these people actually have to work a bit and in ways this does lead to things getting done.

● Second one is favoritism; it goes beyond leaders and govt. officials and covers most people who are employed, self-employed or own a business who have at some point of time favored a friend or a relative to do a job even if we knew someone who was better suited for it. This really hinders the pace of development. And not only of the nation but also yours and the person who deserved the job.

● Third one is the most deadly one if you ask me. It’s about those who do nothing and I am not only talking about our leaders or bureaucrats but about everyone who is part of our nation, almost everyone. Most leaders are incapable of making good unbiased decisions; most officials are incapable of carrying on the few good things that might happen and rest of us incapable of taking action. All I see is people complaining about things that are wrong (including me) and go on blaming leaders and govt employees. But I have rarely met anyone who wished to change things and took steps to do the same. It is the moral corruption and most of us are morally corrupt.

● People seem to be more bothered by homosexuality, semi-naked girls on TV screen, crores being hunted out of official’s homes or a cow with 5 udders than the smallest and most crucial things that can change the way we live and can actually make India a best nation in world.

● So far I haven’t done anything that I should be proud of either but I hope I will, I hope I will try to change some things, I hope I will make a difference and I hope that there will be 10-15 people who’ll read this and try to make things work for better.

Be Proud, Not Blind.

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